people say that they understand what the New World Order and
a One World Government is all about, but that it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad
thing. Maybe we need a New World Order, where we can live in one global
state, in peace with no future wars? If there are no other countries to
fight against, there will be no more wars either, right? And perhaps we
will feel more united, as One Big Global Family if we erase the borders?
Well, that doesn't sound bad, does it? If the intention behind
the New World Order was the above, I would agree (although I don't think
a centralized power can ever work. What if the Global CEO doesn't have
our best interests in mind?).
So, is the above utopia what the Globalists have in
mind? Is this benevolent World Society what they so eagerly work
towards? The best way to answer those questions is to quote from "The
horse's mouth" so to speak. What do the Globalists have to say
themselves? Before I go into details, I want to quote
President Theodore Roosevelt on April 19, 1906, followed by a
confession by President Woodrow Wilson. Then I want to show you what the New
York City
Mayor John Hylan had to say about the Illuminati on March 26,
1922, when he spoke in Chicago, Illinois:
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned
an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no
responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government,
to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt
politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day".
So far Roosevelt, and here is
President Wilson:
"I am a most
unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great
industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our
system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation,
therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few
men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the
most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the
civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no
longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority,
but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group
of dominant men. [my emphases]"
Now, let's go to John

John Hylan
"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much
timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this
invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy
length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life,
it operates under cover of a self-created screen. It seizes in its
long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our
legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and
EVERY agency created for the public protection. It squirms in
the jaws of darkness and thus is the better able to clutch the reins
of government, secure enactment of the legislation favorable to corrupt business,
violate the law with impunity, smother the press and reach into
the courts.
To depart from mere generalizations, let me say
that AT THE HEAD of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard
Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses
generally referred to as the INTERNATIONAL bankers. The
little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the
United States government for their own selfish purposes. They
practically control BOTH parties, write political platforms,
make cats paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private
organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for
high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the
dictates of corrupt big business. They connive at CENTRALIZATION
of government on the theory that a small group of hand-picked,
privately controlled individuals in power can be more easily handled
than a larger group among whom there will most likely be men
sincerely interested in public welfare.
These international bankers and
Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of
newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of
these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public
officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt
cliques which compose the invisible government."(1)
This goes hand in hand with what the former New
York Times editor
John Swinton commented on in his book "A
Momentous Question: The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital".
He said that:
"We know the powers that are defying the
people. Our Government is in the hands of pirates. All the power of
politics, and of Congress, and of the administration is under the
control of the moneyed interests. The adversary has the force of
capital, thousands of millions of which are in his hand. He will
grasp the knife of law, which he has so often wielded in his
interest. He will lay hold of his forces in the legislature. He will
make use of his forces in the press, which are always waiting for
the wink, which is as good as a nod to a blind horse. Political
rings are managed by skillful and unscrupulous political gamblers,
who possess the 'machine' by which the populace are at once

Col. Edward Mandell House
Franklin D. Roosevelt, himself a 33° Freemason and a
Globalist, wrote a letter to Col. Edward Mandell House on November 21.
1933. House was then President Woodrow Wilson's close advisor. The
letter said:
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I
know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the
Government every since the days of Andrew Jackson..."
To many people the concept of a New World Order is
quite abstract. What will the world look like under such a social order?
What political system will be used?
The variety of
political systems we have today are all controlled by this same Elite of
people, which we commonly call the Illuminati. All those systems suit the
Elite in different ways. They need them to oppose each other so they can
create conflicts and wars, and they also use them very strategically to
step by step ring in the New World Order. The goal is a socialistic
super-state, based on the purest form of communism a la Karl Marx,
but worse. All power will be centralized and in the hand of a World
CEO (whom the Christians call the Anti-Christ) and his staff of people (the heads of the Illuminati families).
The people will not be able to own any possessions; they are all owned
by the Government. Everybody will have a place to live and a job
(whether they want it or not). The "misfits" who cannot comply, or
those who oppose, will be executed. The tolerance will be zero,
and you will be forced by law to report on your neighbor if he/she is
doing/saying something that goes against the will of the State.
Recognize it? Pretty much like the former Soviet Union, isn't it? But it
will be worse than that. First of all, before the Super State can be
established, the world population must decrease to at least 20% of
today's population. The Illuminati believe they can't control 6 billion
people, so therefore the population has to be decreased(2).
This is done by creating wars, civil wars, religious wars, genocide,
famine, global disasters and disease, to name a few.
This is something they have been working on for a
long, long time. The goal is not completed in one lifetime, and they
know it. The top Illuminists are also occultists and believe in
reincarnation, so they don't mind working on something that can't be
accomplished in one lifetime, because they "know" they will come back after they
die, and then the New World Order will be even more in progress. As a
fact, the Illuminati (or its forerunners) has been around for thousands
of years, but for the purpose of this article, it is enough to show
their progress through the last one hundred years or so.
But don't take my word for it. Let us see what the Globalists themselves
have to say. I also want to show you the arrogance with which they plan
all this, and how little they think of the rest of us.
It strikes me that it seems to be human nature to look
the other way instead of confronting the truth if the truth happens to
be uncomfortable, and this blindness is a very non-survival thing.
I was recently in Portland, Oregon, and visited the OMSI
Theatre, where I watched a documentary show called "The Forces of
Nature". One sequence was about earthquakes. A researcher had been
researching this specific kind of natural disaster for a long period of
time, also by visiting former earthquake areas, especially in Turkey.
His purpose was to find some kind of structure, so he could predict
where the next earthquake would hit. That way people could be warned in
time to evacuate. He found a clear structure and was able to predict an
earthquake that took place in a town in Turkey in 1999. Not far from
that city lies Istanbul, which is supposed to have around 10 million
citizens. Scientists have since long been able to PROVE that Istanbul
will soon be hit by a major earthquake, but very, very few of the
population have paid any attention and just shaken it off as rubbish. Not
until the town next to them was affected they slowly started to wake up
to the fact. Now the above researcher has predicted that the next
earthquake area will be just 10 miles east of Istanbul, and it will be
soon. 10 million people are at risk.
My point here is that it is the same thing with
"conspiracy". People are living in their comfort zones and god help
those who try to break into that zone by telling them that there is a
world outside that tends to threaten it. If you do, you will be
viciously attacked, ridiculed, laughed off as a lunatic, or worse. It
looks like, unfortunately, that people need to experience a disaster
before they react to fact and evidence if it shakes their comfort zone.
This is a shame, because often enough, when people finally react, it may
be too late.
Then again, as a "survival thing", many people choose the
side of the "winner" and start doing destructive things against others
to survive. This was obvious in Nazi Germany during WW II, when ordinary
citizens started reporting on their neighbors because they were afraid
for their own safety and tried to satisfy their oppressors to win
benefits. If the New World Order will take full effect, citizens,
although they know better, will turn against "conspiracy theorists", who
tried to warn and help them. This is not a prophecy of mine, it's just
history repeating itself...
Now over to what the Conspirators themselves have done
and what they have to say about it. This article will [only] take us up
to 1994, but that is enough to make my point. Since then the
globalization agenda has speeded up considerably, but you will certainly
be able to see that for yourself after have read this article:
In May 1919, at Düsseldorf, Germany, the Allied Forces obtained a copy
of the "Communist Rules for Revolution." Nearly 90 years later, they
have almost succeeded in every area.
A. Corrupt the young; get them away from
religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy
their ruggedness.
B. Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their government by
focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other
2. Divide the people into hostile groups
by constantly harping on controversial matters of no
3. Destroy the people's faith in their
natural leaders by holding them up to contempt, ridicule and
4. Always preach true democracy, but
seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging government
extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with
rising prices and general discontent.
6. Incite unnecessary strikes in
vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and
soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders.
7. By specious argument, cause the
breakdown of the old moral virtues - honesty, sobriety,
self-restraint, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.
C. Cause the registration of ALL firearms on some pretext
with a view to confiscate them and leave the population helpless.
If you look around, everyone of these rules are
nearly complete in the U.S. today.
In 1928, George Bernhard Shaw, himself a member of
the Fabian Society of Socialists, revealed:
",,,under Socialism you would not be allowed to
be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and
employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you
had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble,
you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner."(3)
This gives you a glimpse of how the New World Order
will look like.
Social philosopher Lewis Mumford and Catholic
theologian Reinhold Niebuhr joined to publish "The City of Man: A
Declaration on World Democracy" in 1941. Our forefathers at the
Constitutional Convention deliberately rejected "democracy" as a vile
form of government, yet Vladimir Lenin claimed that democracy was a
necessary step toward world communism. Mumford and Niebuhr
"There is, indeed, no liberty but one; the right,
which is a duty, of making oneself and others free through absolute
allegiance to the final goal of man. DEMOCRACY must be
redefined [as] a harmony subordinated to a plan, a purposive
organism. It is the plenitude of heart service to a highest religion
embodying the essence of all higher religions. Democracy is
nothing more and nothing less than HUMANISM in theocracy and
rational theocracy in universal humanism."
And so they began to substitute "democracy" in the
place of "Republic" as they changed our Constitution.
Many resolutions were introduced into Congress after
World War II calling for world government. Albert Einstein, a member of
the United World Federalists and a dedicated Zionist, made a radio
broadcast in 1947. He said:
"...the resolutions aim at a fundamental
alteration of the United Charter, with a view to an eventual
transformation of the United Nations into a WORLD GOVERNMENT."(4)
UNESCO, in 1949, published quite some literature to
subvert the United States. In a series of booklets with the title
"Toward World Understanding", it states:
"The kindergarten has a significant part to play
in the child's education. Not only can it correct many of the
MEMBERSHIP IN THE WORLD SOCIETY. The success of the teacher is
bringing up his pupils to be good citizens of the world. As
long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism,
education in WORLD-MINDEDNESS can produce only precarious
Now it becomes understandable why the United States
government is attacking Constitutionalists, patriots, Second Amendment
Advocates, etc.
Rock & Roll & Mind Control(5)
The phrase "rock & roll" was created by disc jockey
Alan Freed. The softer "rock" became the instrument through which "hard
rock" would eventually emerge. Jefferson Airplane's leading
musician, Paul Kantner, admitted:
"The new rock music is intended to broaden
the generation gap, alienate parents from their children, and
prepare young people for revolution."

Paul Kantner and Frank Zappa
Lead singer of the Mothers of Invention, Frank
Zappa, said that:
"the loud sounds and the bright lights of today
are tremendous indoctrination tools."
Aldous Huxley, the CIA LSD prophet and Illuminist,
published a book called "The Devils of Loudun" in 1952, where he
told the same thing as Zappa did. Inside its covers, he wrote:
"If exposed long enough to the tomtoms and the
singing, every one of our philosophers would end by capering and
howling with savages. Assemble a mob of men and women, treat them to
amplified band music, bright lights, and in next to no time you can
reduce them to a state of almost mindless subhumanity. Never
before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or
criminals of so many."

Cleon Skousen
In 1958, Cleon Skousen, assistant FBI Director,
published a book called "The
Naked Communist". From that book, certain parts were entered
into the Congressional Records of the U.S.. This was the basic program
used to merge the United States and Russia into a World Government under
the authority of the United Nations.
In this book he wrote about art:
"Continue discrediting American culture by
degrading all forms of artistic expression - nude movies, books,
perverted art, etc..."(6)

Andy Warhol
One of the most famous destroyer of
art was the occultist and Illuminist Andy Warhol with his so-called
pop-art. He said in an interview something to the effect that fine art is dead - this
is the art of the New Era (referring to his own art). He was a big
puppet for the Illuminati Elite. By degrading the art they also degrade
the human population. Picasso once said that to be able to create
a good "alternative" art form, you basically must be an excellent
painter in a traditional way first. He was so right, and if you look at
his early work, you can see he was mastering traditional painting as
well. But those his words seem to have been forgotten and buried, just per the
plan, unfortunately.
I continue quoting Skousen:
"Control art critics and directors of art
museums. 'Our plan is to create ugliness, repulsive,
meaningless art.'"(7)
This has already been taken care of.
The Plot Thickens
I remember when the Berlin Wall fell. The whole world
was celebrating and most people thought a new and better world was
dawning. Many thought this was a beginning of the end of communism and
oppression in the world, but things were not exactly the way it seemed.
Here is more from Cleon Skousen:
"Set up East and West Germany as separate states
to be merged later in a great 'peace' initiative."(8)
This was in 1958!
Here is more from the same source, this time it is
addressing the Mental Health field:
"Transfer some powers of arrest from the police
to social agencies. Threat all behavior problems as psychiatric
"Dominate the psychiatric profession and use
mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those
who oppose Communist goals."(9)
These are very significant statements. This is
already happening to a large degree, but under a future One World
Government, psychiatry will play an even bigger role. People who
challenge, rebel and oppose the totalitarian system will be classified
as mentally ill and transported to psychiatric clinics or concentration
camps, where most of them will be executed, eventually. I urge you to
read this article:
U.S. To
Use Psychiatric Prisons for Offenders. This is the beginning, and it
will extend to include those who are protesting and in any shape and
form are against the New World Order.

Norman Thomas
In 1959, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for the
President of the United States on the Socialist Party ticket said:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt
Socialism, but under the name Liberalism they will adopt
every Fragment of the Socialist program until America will one
day be a Socialist nation WITHOUT KNOWING HOW IT HAPPENED."
We are supposedly not having a socialistic government
today, but the above statement seems to be true, no matter if the
Democrats or the Republicans are in power. They all work towards the
same goal of World Socialism, disguised under the name Liberalism.
Psychology and psychiatry go hand in hand with the
New World Order. They both are "sciences" controlled by the Illuminati,
and important tools for them to achieving their goals.
Professor of psychology at the University of
Michigan, Dr. James McConnell stated:
"I teach a course called 'The Psychology of
Influence', and I begin it by stating categorically that the time
has come when, if you give me any normal human being and a couple of
weeks, I can change his behavior from what it is not to whatever you
want it to be, it it's physically possible. I can turn him from a
Christian into a communist and vice versa. Look, we can do these
things. We can CONTROL behavior. Now, who's going to decide what's
to be done?"(10)
Professor McConnell admits already in 1966 that they
have the techniques to control behavior in human beings on a larger
scale. What do you think has happened since 1966?
A very blunt and telling statement came from the
British Humanist Association in 1969, in a document entitled "Marriage
and the Family". It stated:
"...some opponents of humanism have accused us of
wishing to OVERTHROW the traditional Christian family. THEY ARE
RIGHT. That is exactly what we intend to do."
The greatest opponents to the New World Socialist
State are probably the Christians and the Muslims, as groups of people.
And they are a large amount of the population. It doesn't matter what we
think of Christian or Muslim values; it all comes down to that large
groups, with their strict rules which they refuse to change, are big
obstacles for the Elite. Because this Nation is founded largely upon
Christian values, those have to go. The values of morals and ethics are
not the same in Christendom as in Illuminism. They can't have both.
Education and the New World Order
The educational field and the mass media were to
start promoting subtly the idea of World Order. An article "Thinking
About A New World Order for the Decade 1990," gave the following
"The World Law Fund has begun a worldwide
research and educational program that will introduce a new,
emerging discipline - world order - into educational
curricula of its energies on bringing basic world order concepts
into the mass media, again on a worldwide level"(11)
Many parents, especially in the 1980s and 1990s,
were disillusioned by the public school system and put
their children in alternative schools instead. This happened both in the
United States and in Europe. Often times they even put their kids in
schools belonging to alternative religions, philosophies and cults, like
Scientology, Waldorf school (Anthroposophy) and more, although they did
not share their religious or philosophical beliefs behind that
particular school. All they saw was that their educational system seemed
to work better than the one our government offered.
Alternative schools have been attacked ever since
they started; not always necessarily because they are better or worse
than public school (although they often are better), but because
kids that go to such schools are out of the government's control system
and will be more difficult to indoctrinate. This doesn't mean that the
kids will not be indoctrinated in alternative schools as well, due to
that most of those schools also, overtly or covertly promote the
religious and/or philosophical beliefs that are behind their educational
system, but for the Elite that is beside the point. They want everything
streamlined and uniform, so we all can be more easily manipulated. They
want unity, not diversion.
Also, the director of the American Humanist
Association from 1975-80, Morris Storer, published "Humanist Ethics"
in 1980. He claims:
"A large majority of the educators of American
colleges and universities are predominately humanists, and a
majority or the teachers who go out from their studies in colleges
to responsibilities in primary and secondary schools are basically
humanists, no matter that many maintain a nominal attachment to
church or synagogue for good personal, social, or practical
Further Goals Towards Globalization
In 1972 (not 1973 as promoted) the Trilateral
Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It
is still an extremely important organization to unite the American
Continent, Europe and Asia. The Commission's roots stem from Dr.
Brzezinski's book "Between Two Ages". The following quotations
from that book show how closely Brzezinski's thinking parallels that of
Council of Foreign Relations co-founder Marxist/Communist Col.
Edward Mandell House:
"Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the
external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory
to reason over belief."(12)
"Marxism, disseminated on the popular level
in the form of Communism, represented a MAJOR ADVANCE in
man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world."(13)
"Marxism supplied the best available insight
into contemporary reality."(14)
Finally, he lets us know that what he really wants
"the goal of world government."(15)
In 1973 the "Humanist Manifesto II" was
published. Quote:
"...the dawn of a new age, a
secular society on a planetary scale, we begin with humans
not God, nature NOT deity, a system of world law and a
WORLD ORDER based upon transnational federal government, THE
Yes, indeed. Under the New World Order there is no
God, no religion, no spirituality(16).
Under the New World Order there is only science, technology, body
without soul and a physical universe. Spirituality, philosophy and
higher knowledge is reserved ONLY for the top Elite, who will continue
their occult practices and hide the truth about us and the Universe from
us. Why is this necessary? It is simple. If the population knows who
they are on a higher level of existence; if they know about God and
spirituality, they will be impossible to control. If we believe that
this world and this life is all there is, we can be controlled much more
On December 10, 1973, National Security Council
Memorandum 200, entitled "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests" was earmarked "classified
and confidential." It was declassified 15 years later, in 1988. This
document clearly revealed the action the U.S. government has taken in
the population control movement. It goes like this:
"If future numbers are to be kept within
reasonable bounds, it is urgent that measures to reduce fertility be
started and made effective in the 1970s and 1980s. No country has
reduced its population growth without resorting to
Here is another one, from the Rockefeller
Foundation's annual report for 1975, which said:
"We are one world and there will be one
future - for better of for worse - four us all. Central to the new
ethic is controlled economic growth"..."It is also necessary
to control fertility."
I know people who have told me that it is a good
thing to implement birth control, sterilization after x amount of kids
etc. We are already too many people in this world, and people are
starving and suffering because of this.
Firstly, we are not too many people on
this planet yet, it is just that the resources are not shared equally. Secondly, in
the Industrial world we have an abundance of food, which we tend to
rather throw away than give to the third world countries. We have
medicine and medical science well developed in the western world that we
easily could share to help those in need in the third world. But we
don't do it. Why? Because the Illuminati wants to reduce the population
to a certain level. Therefore, it is not a matter of if the world is
overpopulated or not, but the AGENDA behind reducing the population. It
is not a matter of if we agree to some of the ideas that the New World
Order prophets are coming up with or not, it is a matter of seeing the
whole picture and the motives behind ideas and decisions! This is very
important to remember. We can't get PARTS of the New World Order and
throw away the rest. We either accept the New World Order as a package
or reject it totally and start all over. There is no middle-way.
However, there are good people in the government,
too. Lots of good people, we need to remember that. The enemies of the
people are just a few persons at the top, who covertly manipulate those
under them. Some politicians are not so easy to manipulate though, and
tend to speak out freely.
In 1973, 32 Senators and 92 Representatives signed "A
Declaration of Independence" which stated that we must "bring forth a
new world order." Congresswoman Marjorie Holt refused to sign the
treasonous document saying:
"It calls for the surrender of our national
sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our
economy should be regulated by international authorities. It
proposes that we enter a 'new world order' that would
REDISTRIBUTE THE WEALTH created by American people."
Once again many our our Congressmen/Women have
committed treason by signing Marxist/Communist documents to embrace
their diabolical economic system that produces want and privation. The
sad thing is that many representatives don't even "have the time" to
read everything they sign, which in itself is treasonous. They are
supposed to be the representatives for the people, and it should be of
their greatest concern what they sign and don't sign, for all our
future's sake.
In 1977, for the first time, the Council on Foreign
Relations came under scrutiny. The book "Imperial Brain Trust",
by Shoup and Minter, criticized the CFR. Chapter headings such as
"Shaping a New World Order: The Council's Blueprint for Global Hegemony,
1939-1944" and "Toward the 1980's: The Council's Plans for a New World
Order" brought undeniable proof the Council on Foreign Relations was
founded by Marxists and are working to destroy our nation and rebuild it
as a Socialist/Communist country.

Senator Barry Goldwater
Two years later, in 1979, Barry Goldwater, a retiring
Senator from Arizona, published his autobiography, "With No
Apologies". In this book he reveals the true mission of the
powerful Trilateral Commission and of course its predecessor the Council
on Foreign Relations - to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States
to merge it into an all encompassing one-world-government.
Bertram Gross published his book, "Friendly
Fascism: The New Face of Power in America" in 1980. One section was
entitled "A Good Neighbor in a New World Order." Another section title
was "Womb-to-Womb Dossier". He showed how
"high-grade intelligence on individuals" [is
already possible through] "the new statistical data banks being set
up in the fields of education, health, and mental health. As of
early 1980 detailed plans were worked out to register the
country's young people WITHOUT THEIR KNOWING through what is
known as 'passive' or 'faceless' registration. This would be done by
compiling a computerized list of names and addresses by assembling
the information from school records, the Internal Revenue Service,
the Social Security systems, and state driver's license bureaus."
Gross explains how this information could be used
"direct character assassination and defamation.
The creative assembly and unrelated sounds is now possible through
electronic means. Through 'tape-recording,' a person's own voice
may be used to say anything that the tape recorders WANT him to say."
[He said it could be done by editing film and video tapes by] "the
use of new RAVE [Random Access Video Editing] methods."
After meeting with David Rockefeller
of the Council on Foreign Relations and founder of the Trilateral
Commission, the first item on the agenda for Ronald Reagan after his
re-election was to call upon the Senate to ratify the Genocide
Convention Treaty with the United Nations. This document is
diabolical in that it is designed to be used against individuals, not
nations. In Article II(b), it says those who are guilty of genocide are
those who "cause mental harm." Now laws have been passed in every
state to comply with the Genocide Treaty. They are called "hate
crimes". Article III (e) says an individual could be punished for
genocide for 'complicity' - being in agreement with someone's
views on a subject. The United Nations wants to be in charge with its
own courts(17).

In 1986, an international meeting was held in Seoul,
South Korea, a meeting which promoted the New World Order. Finance
ministers from around the world heard the New World Order praised, and
received a plea for a New World Order to replace the International
Monetary Fund [IMF] and assume the debt of the Third World
Former President George W. Bush, Skull & Bones, Council
on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission and Atlantic Council
member, invited the Soviet Union to join the World Order in his
speech to the graduating class of Texas A&M on May 12, 1989.
Mikhail Gorbachev, the year after, in 1990, addressing a
Stanford University audience, also talked of a new world:
Soviet Union and the United States have more than enough reasons to
be partners in building it, a truly global economy, indeed, and the
creation of a new civilization."
Then, of course, in a September 11(19),
1990, address to Congress, President Bush called the Gulf War an
"opportunity for a New World Order, and a new age."
In addition to this, President Bush
also showed his occult roots clearly in his 1991 "State of the Union"
message. Here he talked of a
"big idea
- a new world order and the rule of law [meaning under the
United Nations]." He also used veiled Freemasonic talk of "the
illumination of a thousand points of light."
The reason George Bush made those
statements is because he is a member of the following organizations that
are subversive to the Constitution of the United States:
Board of Directors of the Atlantic
Board of Directors of the Council
on Foreign Relations
Board of Directors of the
Trilateral Commission
Skull & Bones Secret Society (also
known as the Brotherhood of Death)
Aug 25, 2007: Gordon Brown has just recently succeeded Tony
Blair as the Prime Minister of Great Britain. There is no doubt
which side he is on. In this revealing video-clip from Brown's
speech, he is extensively talking about the New World Order.
Click on
to listen].
All of these organizations have one
thing in common - dismantle the Constitution and merge us into World
Government through the United Nations Organization.
In 1992, William Greider wrote about
"the global economy" in his book "Who
Will Tell the People". He
economists think the American wage decline is inevitable for at least
another generation, because worldwide patterns are moving toward
equilibrium. That is exactly what Marxism calls for - redistribution
of the wealth to make EVERYONE EQUAL. Greider, in his book, said
globalization has a flavor of betrayal, since the upper stratum
would benefit from Globalism while it hurts the other classes. He
concludes that the depression of wages and the dismantling of
national sovereignty is treason.
Strobe Talbott was a 1992 Council on
Foreign Relations Director and Trilateral Commission member. He was also
a roommate of President Bill Clinton at Oxford University in England
while both were Rhodes Scholars. In a published article, Talbott said:
"I'll bet
that within the next hundred years nationhood as we know it will be
obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. No
matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any time, in
fact they are all artificial and temporary. But it has taken the
events in our wondrous and terrible century to CLINCH THE CASE FOR
They would have three world wars and
many smaller revolutionary wars to force the world into world government
if they ever were to obtain peace. And the peace they are talking about
is a world without borders, a One World Government, meaning peace for
THEM to rule us in slavery.
On September 27, 1992 CBS program "60
Minutes" and on September 29 ABC "Nightline" revealed that the U.S.
Agency for International Development received and used tax money to
promote relocation of American businesses to Central America resulting
in massive loss of jobs in the U.S. Former President Bush, while
visiting the Carolinas, was asked about the loss of textile jobs. He
replied: "C'est la vie" or "that's life."

On January 20, 1993, William Jefferson
Clinton took the oath of the presidency and gave his address:
"Let us
resolve to make our government a place for what Franklin Roosevelt
called 'bold, persistent experimentation'. There is NO longer a
clear division between what is FOREIGN and what is DOMESTIC, the
world economy, the world environment, the world AIDS crisis, the
world arms race, they effect us all. Today, as an Old Order
PASSES, the New World is more free but less stable. When
the will and conscience of the international community is defied, we
will ACT with FORCE when necessary."
After President Clinton took office,
his staff began to come into the White House. Most of they wore red
buttons on their shirts with a picture of the first COMMUNIST DICTATOR
Are You the Enemy of the U.S. Government?
In the ABC TV Mini-series, Amerika, that aired
from February 15-22, 1987, those that did not want to be part of the New
Age or New World Order were called "resisters". They were the enemies
of the government because they wanted to retain their individual
freedom. The government DECLARED them to be the enemies. That is
exactly why the Anti-terrorism bill was passed - so President Clinton
could declare anyone that did not agree with his New World Order agenda
as terrorists or ENEMIES of the state. Want proof?
The deputy chief of staff for
intelligence at the Pentagon in 1994 was Major Ralph Peters. He wrote a
position paper called Warrior Class. It stated:
desire for patriotism [the sovereignty of our nation, our flag,
our freedoms, and nationalism] is considered an ENEMY
doctrine. The U.S. armed forces must be prepared
to fight against all those who OPPOSE the New World Order
and who are holding out for nationalism. This new warrior class IS
MOST DANGEROUS because they consist of those who fight out of
STRONG RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. There is a worldwide calss of
patriots who number in the millions, and if the current trend
continues, they may be more of these who love FREEDOM
and are now the target of the New World Order. You
cannot bargain and compromise with these warrious. We, as the
military, need to commit more training time to
COUNTER these warrior threats. We must have an ACTIVE CAMPAIGN
to win over the populace. This must be coupled with
irresistible violence(22).
With this revealing statement I will
end this article. Since 1994 much has happened, and the New World Order
has escalated in an enormous speed. It is hard for us all to keep up
with all the changes in the world. To continue writing about everything
that has happened since 1994 would be the project of a very thick book,
which I might write some day. But after have read this article, I am
sure you get the point and hopefully will continue to do your own
research and try to make a change in your own ways and abilities to help
preventing this dark future called the New World Order from happening.
We can all help out!