2012 - The Background
Carla L. Rueckert, Channel for "Law of One", Mar 02, 2009
Category: 2012
Source: L/L Research
Newsletter March 02, 2009
Comment by Wes Penre, Illuminati News: Carla
L. Rueckert is the channel for the Ra Material (Law
of One), which became an extensive body of very
important information to understand the current
world situation, the world we live in and our
spiritual selves. When I read the material, it
changed my life forever. You can find this
information for free online at
If you want to buy the series of books, which I
recommend, the
reference where to get them will be on that same

Carla L. Rueckert
he question I am asked most often in
interviews these days is this: How
can I get ready for 2012? I would
like to work on this question
through the next few articles.
What is the significance of 2012? In
the Mayan Long Count calendar, the
thirteenth baktun cycle is completed
on December 21, 2012. This marks the
first time in over 5,000 years that
this event has occurred. The ending
of this great cycle is associated in
Mayan lore with the cosmic womb,
death, new life and transformation.
One could say that according to the
Mayan calendar, Earth hits its reset
button and the odometer rolls over
to zero and starts another Long
Count on that date. It is expected
by Mayan researchers such as John
Major Jenkins that a shift in
consciousness will occur as part of
this moment in time.
I do not wish to debate the various
corollary threads of New Age
Mayanism: the “dark rift” riff, the
alleged UFO connection or its
posited link to crop circles. These
sidebars to 2012 lore are
interesting but they do not resonate
to me as part of the main theme.
However, the date itself, and the
supposition that a shift in
consciousness is related to it, do
resonate to me, enough so that I
have just written a book on the
topic of getting ready for 2012. It
is called “Living the Law of One
101: The Choice”.
You can pre-order this book now by
contact@llresearch.org and
asking to be put on the
pre-publication list. The book is at
the printers, and due to arrive
within the week. It will be added to
our on-line store (www.bring4th.org/store)
when it comes out.
Classical Western astrologers also
find the winter solstice of 2012
pivotal. At this date, the Age of
Pisces ends, according to Western
astrology, and the Age of Aquarius,
that much vaunted time of New Age
pop culture, begins.
According to Roeland de Looff, “In
2012 the center of the Galaxy is at
0 degree of the Western zodiacal
sign Capricorn. 0 degree Capricorn
is the point of the zodiac where the
Sun is during the December solstice.
At December 21, 11.12 GMT during the
December solstice the Sun is at the
exact center of the Galaxy.“
The sun makes a sextile to Mercury
on this date. This aspect generally
is interpreted as relating to a
spiritual experience.
There is also a “yod” or “finger of
God” involving Jupiter, Pluto,
Saturn, Mercury and Venus. The yod,
when found, indicates profound
transformational experiences which
may include suffering.
There is also a T-square with
Neptune on this date. “Spirituality,
transformation, ascension and
floods” are associated with this
configuration, according to De Looff,
a Dutch astrologer. His web site,
has a wealth of information, nicely
presented, if you wish to examine
this angle further.
Another interesting 2012 theory
originates with Terrence McKenna, an
American philosopher, scientist and
shamanic experiencer who was born in
1946 and who died in 2000. Mind you,
I am no more skilled at mathematics
than I am at astrology, but I will
share with you the gist of his
“Novelty Theory”.
McKenna was studying the Chinese I-Ching
oracle when he stacked the 64
hexagrams which make up its
variations to create a perfect
square, and saw patterns of movement
within the shapes. Craig Howell
“He decided to create a linear model
beginning in time with the era that
the I-Ching was created in China and
continuing to the present to see
what patterns develop. When he input
this information into a computer
program, it formulated a graph with
a rising and falling line, like a
stock market forecast.
“He then noticed something
astonishing. The parts of the line
that were highest or lowest
corresponded with times in history
when new forms were developing. When
the line reached a peak, a new form
would trigger the psyche of people.
When the line fell into a crevasse,
it aligned with a time when reality
seemed to be falling apart, or there
was a great event, or group of
events all at once, that galvanized
people. (The graph tells when, not
where or what happens.)”
The last maximum peak in this graph
coincided with classical Greece and
the profoundly influential time of
the great philosophers and culture
of that period. It has been
descending ever since, hiccupping
its way downhill to nothingness. The
end of this trough is the winter
solstice of 2012.
Howell reports that, “McKenna said
in an interview with the Sightings
TV show that his best guess is that
it is as if someone is likely to
invent a time traveling machine of
sorts, because it is as if it is the
end of linear time. In other words,
all time merges into one time.
Everything becomes connected to
everything else. Past, present and
future become one. We could in
effect be experiencing an infinite
amount of evolution in a finite
There are other systems of religion,
philosophy and lore which expound
upon 2012, from Nostradamus to
Christian doomsday writers and more.
However it seems to me that these
sources are derivative, taking the
lead from astrology and the Mayan
On January 24, 1981, the Ra group
channeled through L/L Research some
interesting information about this
pivotal time on “this sphere” of
Planet Earth:
“RA: I
am Ra. This sphere is at this time
in fourth-dimension vibration. Its
material is quite confused due to
the society memory complexes
embedded in its consciousness. It
has not made an easy transition to
the vibrations which beckon.
Therefore, it will be fetched with
some inconvenience.
“QUESTIONER: Is this inconvenience
imminent within a few years?
“RA: I am Ra. This inconvenience, or
disharmonious vibratory complex, has
begun several of your years in your
past. It shall continue unabated for
a period of approximately thirty of
your years.
“QUESTIONER: After this period of
thirty years I am assuming that this
will be a fourth-density planet. Is
this correct?
“RA: I am Ra. This is so.”
I have always enjoyed the Ra group’s
deliciously Attic wit. Looking back
at the ever-increasing glut of
tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornados and other extreme-weather
events that have marched in steadily
denser array as the years have
passed since 1981, the dry
description of it as “inconvenient”
is charming to me in its terse
Mind you, at first, the Ra group
declined to discuss this topic at
all with the Questioner, Don Elkins.
Elkins was quite familiar with the
prophecies concerning 2012, and in
the very first Ra session, on
January 15, 1981, he asked, “Can you
comment on the coming planetary
changes in our physical reality?”
The Ra group replied, “The changes
are very, very trivial. We do not
concern ourselves with the
conditions which bring about
To the Ra group, 2012’s significance
is that it marks the end of third
density, the Density of Choice, on
Planet Earth and the beginning of
The Density of Love, also called
fourth density. On that date, they
said, fourth-density Earth will be
up and running. Third-density Earth
will continue until all humans on
third-density Earth have evacuated
that density through the harvesting
process, by graduation to fourth
density or by transferring to
another third-density planet for a
repeat of “third grade”.
The harvesting process is described
by the Ra group as a self-harvesting
one, wherein the souls of those who
have died naturally to Earth’s
physical life walk steps of light
and sort themselves out. There is no
overseeing Judge. Rather, each of us
souls is offered a stairway, which
begins in third-density light, and
on which each step is slightly
fuller of fourth-density light. At a
point, the light is entirely
fourth-density in its nature. Each
step beyond that point continues to
consist of slightly more mature or
dense light. Elkins did not ask how
far the steps went, but my guess is
that the steps go all the way to
sixth density, since we have so many
sixth-density wanderers on Earth
Each soul, then, walks up the steps
of light, stopping when the light
begins to be too bright and feels
uncomfortable. If the soul stops
while in third-density light, that
soul will reincarnate into another
third-density school of souls for
another round of the Density of
Choice. If the soul stops in fourth
density, fifth density or sixth
density, he has graduated from third
density. It is likely that those
wanderers from various fourth-,
fifth- and sixth-density planets
will return home at harvest.

Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens |
This third density in which we of
the human tribe of Planet Earth now
experience life is called the
Density of Choice by Ra. The choice
of which they speak is the choice of
polarity. As Yusuf Islam, formerly
Cat Stevens, puts it in his song
from “An Other Cup", a 2006 release,
can’t bargain with the truth
‘Cause one day you’re gonna die
And good’s going high,
And evil’s going down – in the end”
(all rights reserved by Usuf Islam)
Like so many of Yusuf’s lyrics, this
little chorus puts a seemingly
complex issue quite simply. One can
quibble with the definition of good
and evil, but in the main we know
the difference. The Ra group, and
the Confederation in general, have
suggested that the “good” is
characterized by an attitude of
service to others. A harvestable
“grade” of service to others (STO)
is 51%. The “evil” is characterized
by an attitude of service to self
(STS). A harvestable grade of STS is
In other words, if our thoughts and
actions are concerned for the
welfare of others in our thinking
over half of the time, we will
graduate STO and go forward to
Earth's fourth density positive, the
next “grade” in our creation’s
“school of souls”. If our thoughts
and actions are concerned with
promoting and caring for ourselves
ninety-five percent of the time or
more, we will graduate to fourth
density negative, also the next
grade in our cosmic refinery. And if
we find ourselves in the sinkhole of
indifference between 5% and 51%
service to others, we will repeat
the Density of Choice on another
third-density planet.
2012 is significant in the
Confederation information not as a
time of abrupt Ascension nor as an
Armageddon that wipes out Planet
Earth, but as that moment in time
when it will become virtually
impossible to do further work in
refining our choice of polarity.
Like oil and water, third-density
and fourth-density vibrations will
begin to pull apart. It is already
far more difficult to begin to
polarize now than, say fifty years
ago. Fourth-density waves of truth
have interpenetrated third density
more and more. All the issues with
which we have avoided working until
now are coming up in our lives and
smacking us in the face. It is time
to face these issues. It is time to
fall in love with ourselves. How can
we do that? I will take that up in
the next article of this series.
I open my arms and embrace your
spirit. Moving forward in faith, let
us link spirits and intentions and
walk together towards the dawning of
a new heaven and a new Earth..
— — — -- -- ญญ-- -- ญญญ --
Carla L. Rueckert
is the channel for the "Law of One"
series and the author of "A
Channeling Handbook”, “A Wanderer’s
Handbook”, and a “Book of Days”,
among others. Please visit
L/L Research to read her
channeled messages and
Camelot Journal to read her
online journal. To see a full list
of articles written for Carla’s
column please visit
A Small Medium at Large
on UPI’s
Religion and Spirituality.com. ฉ
copyright 2009 by L/L Research
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will read all email received but
unfortunately, due to her
limitations on time and especially
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to her article’s
responses. .
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or write under a pseudonym. Wes Penre.
Important Definitions:
[i] ^
The word Illuminati means 1.
People claiming to be unusually
enlightened with regard to a subject. 2.
Illuminati: Any of various groups
claiming special religious
enlightenment. Latin ill min t ,
from pl. of ill min tus,
past participle of ill min re,
to light up. See
These definitions are taken from "The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language".
Like the
definitions say, any group which considers itself "enlightened"
could rightfully call itself the Illuminati. So is also the case. If
you google "The Illuminati", you will find quite a few groups
claiming this name.
can be confusing, so before we continue,
I want to make very clear that the
Illuminati we are discussing here is NOT
a benevolent secret society who wants to
create peace and harmony in this world
by helping to bring freedom to the
people. Such a benevolent group DOES
exist and happens to call themselves
"The Illuminati", and is actually the
original group using this name.
They have been working behind
the scenes for a very long time to help humanity free themselves
from the chains we have been stuck in for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, the Powers That Be, the evil puppet masters running
this show on war and destruction, infiltrated the truth movement
already in an early stage by adopting the term Illuminati to
describe themselves, thus using the same name as the original
benevolent group. This to further confuse the matter.
Now, almost all researchers
(including myself) have adopted the term "Illuminati" to describe
the Dark Side, and by doing so, we have to a certain degree
unwittingly helped discrediting the benevolent group with this
original name and made it harder for them to get the job done.
Therefore, I will let this
definition follow each and every article posted on this website from
now on in an effort to try to clear up the confusion. I apologize
that so many people now have mixed up the groups, and I have partly,
but ignorant to this fact until recently, been responsible for that.
The point is that the Illuminati I am
exposing here is the super-rich Power Elite with an ambition to
maintain the slave society they have been working so hard to
accomplish over the millennia!
The malevolent group that wants to enslave us call themselves "The
Priesthood of AMEN" and their outer circle they call "Lucifer's
Web", and their most important secret societies are '"The
Thule Gesellschaft" and "The VRIL Society".
^ The
term "New World Order", just like the term "Illuminati", has been
used by at least two different groups, meaning basically two
different things:
1) A goal to put an end to the current Order (called "The
Old World Order" - OWO),
which is considered evil and anti-survival, and therefore the
current power elite needs to be overthrown and their Old World Order
to be destroyed and replaced with a benevolent "New World Order".
The goal is a humanity-friendly One World Government. The
means putting an end to the current Old World Order with violence, if
Personally, I don't agree with using violence to stop the Old World
Order, as I am more into a spiritual solution (see elsewhere on my
website), but I want to make my
readers aware of that there IS a group calling themselves "The
Illuminati", who want to replace the current Old World Order (the
Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc.) with a benevolent New World Order,
where people are no longer slaves to this Power Elite.
2) A goal to create a micro-chipped society, so that they more
easily can maintain the current Order that they have created
throughout the millennia. This is the
"New World Order" the Bush's, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds,
Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others are
supporting and working on maintaining. This is also the "New World Order"
I am fighting against via this website.
Just like in the case with the term "Illuminati", this second group
has confused researchers and truth seekers by using the basically
benevolent term "New World Order" for their negative and malevolent
goals. This has made it harder for the Resistance to operate,
because both "The Illuminati" and the "New World Order" have been
used as a propaganda for the Dark Side and everything connected to
these two terms now are perceived as negative.
If we really look at it, it's nothing
"new" with what this Power Elite officially calls the "New World Order",
but no
more than an effort to hold on to the Old World Order they have
already created.
I hope this to some degree makes things clearer.
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
MySpace website address is:
You can also visit his blog
and make comments at
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