Yahweh is the "Creator" and God is Satan
by Prophet Yahweh, July 20, 2005
(Posted here by Wes Penre, July 20, 2005)

The following is from Prophet Yahweh's News Group at Yahoo.com. Here he claims he has proof that God and Satan are one and the same; the Devil and God (Gad) is the same thing. Yahweh is not God, according to him, but the "Creator". Well, read for yourself. The following is directly from the Prophet, copied and pasted with no changes.

For background to this article, please see my previous: "The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
Wes Penre.

Prophet YahwehLast night, July 18, 2005, on the 'X' Zone radio show interview, I mentioned that there is a difference between YAHWEH and God. I said that God is really the personal name of a pagan deity, and that YAHWEH is not a god, but rather the Creator.

Then, a man called in and want me to show proof that God is really the personal name of a pagan or Satanic deity.
I tried to explain to him that God has become a general term for the Creator, but what we don't know is that when we say things like: "I love God" or "God is good to me," you are really saying: "I love Satan" or "Satan is good to me."
The reason why is because even though we think God is a title of the Creator, the fact remains that it is really the personal name of the Devil!
Below are on-line references that proof that God or Gad are name of a pagan or satanic Babylonian deity.
Just know, that when you hear me say something, no matter how crazy it may sound, just ask me to show you the proof I use to justify my statements.
Please take you time and read all of these references.
If one of the links is broken, please let me know.
Here are the references that prove that God or Gad is the Devil:
Common Definitions Of Gad:
Major References That Prove God Is Gad A Pagan Deity:
Gad - A 15th Century Of God
"Gad is another ordinary common noun in Hebrew. It means 'good luck'. We all want as much of it as we can get. So it is not surprising that it became a proper noun, the name of some people, a tribe of Israel, and a god. The god Gad was not ordinarily identified with Baal. But the identities of ancient Mediterranean gods were quite fluid, so it wouldn't be surprising if the two deities were identified with each other somewhere at some time."
The Correction Definition Of The Word God:

"Gad is a Syrian or Canaanite deity of good luck or fortune. In Hebrew, it is written GD, but with Massoretic vowel-pointing, it is "Gad." Other Scriptural references to a similar deity, also written GD, have a vowel-pointing giving us "Gawd" or "God." Gad, or Gawd is identified with Jupiter, the Sky-deity or the Sun-deity. "
Strong's Concordance With Hebrew And Greek Dictionaries
Hebrew Definition for Gad:
Gad, God, Gud (scroll down to section 15)
YAHWEH and god , are they the same being?
Who Is 'GOD' -or- 'God' Is
Finding God In Scriptures
Minor References That Prove God Is Gad A Pagan Deity:
Miscellaneous References To Consider:
34 Bible Verses With Gad:
Well, there you have it - indisputable proof that God is really Gad, an ancient Babylonian deity or the Devil in a disguised form!
You can take it or leave it, but it is true!
So, whatever you do, learn to not refer to YAHWEH as God. It's may be hard at first to do this, but as time goes on, it will become easy.
Eventually, you will never call YAHWEH God because you know the truth about the name God, that it is the name of the Devil.
Don't care what others think about how you are no longer deceived by the name God.

I am absolutely shocked at how some of you responded to my recent posting on how that God is really the Devil!
I was stunned to get emails from those of you who thought I was saying things like:
1. ... God being Satan? If God is Satan and Yahewh(YHWY) is Hebrew for God, then you are saying Yahweh is Satan.
2. ... If Yahweh is truly a false God...do you have any idea what the implications of this would be?
3. ... If YHWH or Yahweh is the ineffable name for God in Hebrew, isn't that the same as what you are saying about God being Satan? If God is Satan and Yahewh(YHWY) is Hebrew for God, then you are saying Yahweh is Satan.

4. ... The word god CAN be Satan, I will never refute that - Because my Father in Heaven speaks about worshipping these false gods in the Word.  I submit to you that GOD is very much different from god or God... My Father, GOD is a good, righteous god... The god I know, our GOD who is in Heaven created all... study the GOOD GOD.
5. ... No entemology on the word "God" has ever tied it to the word gad.
I will comment on all this but,  first, let me explain something.
When I say that YAHWEH is not God, I am not saying that YAHWEH is not the Creator.
I am saying that God is not a general title of the Creator like we think. Technically, God is the personal name of the Devil and not a title of the Creator.
People have been tricked into thinking that God is a title of the Creator when those who tricked us know that God is one of Satan's name.
In part 1 of "God Is The Devil," I showed you on-line proof that God is also spelled as Gad, especially in times past, and that Gad or God is a pagan deity.
Some of you say that my proving that God is the pagan deity Gad, does not proof that God or Gad is the Devil.
There is a difference between YAHWEH and God. They are not the same being even though we have been tricked into thinking they are and the modern versions of the bible use terminology that calls YAHWEH God.
But, in the Y document versions of the Hebrew, which is the original Hebrew, YAHWEH is not called God or any other name of Satan.
We are not to view YAHWEH as God or call Him God because God is the name of a pagan deity.
All Gods are automatically the Devil!
The Gods are deities encased in religions other than YAHWEH's religion. These Gods oppose the name of YAHWEH and His religion, and have always battled against YAHWEH to take souls away from Him. Because of this, all the religions and their Gods damns all souls that convert to them.
Since only YAHWEH is the Creator, the only way souls are saved is by worshiping YAHWEH and keeping His Laws according to His religion.

YAHWEH makes this clear in His word when He puts a difference between Him and the Gods.
And, YAHWEH calls all Gods the Devil.
Consider the following scriptures:
Leviticus 17:7 And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute forever unto them throughout their generations.
Deuteronomy 32:17 - They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.
II Chronicles 11:15 - And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made.
Psalms 106:37-38,  Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.
I Chronicles 16:26 - For all the gods of the people are idols [devils]: but the LORD made heavens.
Look at what YAHWEH's word says about the difference between Him and the gods of the earth:
Now read what YAHWEH says He is going to do to all the Gods of the earth in the following scriptures:
Here is another online reference that proves how YAHWEH is a completely different Being than the gods of the earth:
Now, I will address the statements made above:
1. ... God being Satan? If God is Satan and Yahewh(YHWY) is Hebrew for God, then you are saying Yahweh is Satan.
First of all, YAHWEH is not Hebrew for God.
YAHWEH is Hebrew for the Creator!
Quit telling me what you want me to have said, in a vain attempt to make me look stupid and look like a false prophet, and comprehend what I actually said, you idiot!
You are the one who said YAHWEH is Satan, and not me, and you tried to pen that statement to my mouth.
Speak for yourself.
2. ... If Yahweh is truly a false God...do you have any idea what the implications of this would be?
Do you think that I am so stupid that I don't know what the implications of this would be if I actually said it?
But, I did not say that!
I said that YAHWEH is not God because God/Gad is really the Devil. YAHWEH is the Creator. Satan is God because God is one of Satan's name.
And, there is not such thing as a false God because that implies that there is a true God.
But, the fact about the matter is that God, be it described as true or false is still the personal name of a pagan deity. And, all pagan deities are the Devil according to YAHWEH's own words I mentioned above.
To call YAHWEH the true God is wrong because that is actually calling Him the Devil  when He is not. He is the Creator and not a God.
3. ... If YHWH or Yahweh is the ineffable name for God in Hebrew, isn't that the same as what you are saying about God being Satan? If God is Satan and Yahewh(YHWY) is Hebrew for God, then you are saying Yahweh is Satan.
No, it is not the same as me saying what you said I said because I never said that YAHWEH is God. I said that YAHWEH is the Creator and not God, because God is the Devil. YAHWEH is the Creator.
And, YAHWEH is not the ineffable name for God in Hebrew!
YAHWEH is the name of the Creator in Hebrew!
You are failing to see that, in these modern times, we use the word God to describe YAHWEH in the English references we read and even in the modern demonized so-called Hebrew references.
This is a modern trick and deception against our souls!
I am describing how we should stop calling YAHWEH by the name God or saying He is God because God/Gad is really the name of the Devil.
We should only call YAHWEH the Creator.

4. ... The word god CAN be Satan, I will never refute that - Because my Father in Heaven speaks about worshipping these false gods in the Word.  I submit to you that GOD is very much different from god or God... My Father, GOD is a good, righteous god... The god I know, our GOD who is in Heaven created all... study the GOOD GOD.
You are admitting that God can be Satan, and calling your Father God as if there is a true God and a false God.
But, what you are not realizing is that God, regardless of if you call him true, good, or bad is still the Devil!
YAHWEH is the Creator and should not be associated, in any way, with the name of the pagan deity Gad/God because Gad/God is really Satan, the Devil.
5. ... No entemology on the word "God" has ever tied it to the word gad.
Well, this proves that you did not even read "God Is The Devil - Part 1."
The reason why is because I clearly included etymologies that tied God to Gad.
Now, the readers of this email can see that you don't know what you are talking about.
Well, list, there you have it.
I will try my best to not even speak on this any time soon so I can focus on the things I must do for YAHWEH.
Here are some of my documents and links for you to review.
Yours In YAHWEH's Magnificent Name,
Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh
the end



Last Updated: Thursday, July 21, 2005 04:20:13 AM

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