Last Updated:
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 04:57:04 AM

The Secret Gold Treaty
The Truth Behind WW II Gold, Nazi Plunder & Elite Plans To
Control Our Financial Future
David Guyatt, September 2000
Last Updated:
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 04:57:04 AM |
he 5412 Committee, which met in Room 40 at the CIA headquarters
in Langley, Virginia, became the de facto parallel government of
the United States, a fact that was later acknowledged by
President Eisenhower in his speech regarding the dangers of the
“military industrial complex.” At the heart of the US secret
government lay a doctrine that was “driven by the twin goals of
reinforcing the private interests that largely control the state
and maintaining an international environment in which they can
prosper.” [ii] The broader interests of the people are not
permitted to enter the equation, which is reserved entirely for
men of wealth and power. The Dulles brothers fit into this
subterranean power complex with considerable ease.
Prouty says this of the 5412
“As time passed and as the DCI [of the CIA] exploited
his position, it might have seemed to be rather reasonable to suggest the
establishment of a small special group to take this 'burden' from these
senior officials and to provide men who could more readily attend to such
matters, minor as they were, in the place of the busy Council principals.
Thus the establishment of the first Special Group.
“As things progressed, the Special Group 5412/2 became not just the working
group of the NSC but rather a select group that had assumed the
responsibility for clandestine activity. Certainly, each designated Special
Group member reported back to his principal but by that time it was not so
much for direction as it was for 'informational approval;' in the language
of bureaucracy this meant, ‘if he doesn't say a clear NO, it's O.K.’”
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