Putin, the Pedophile?
ABC News &
Quotes of the Day, Time.com,
July 07, 2006
Last Updated:
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 06:04:22 PM |
Anyone who has done his/her research into the occult
world of the Illuminati knows that way too many of these sick Satanists are
also pedophiles. This has been known for a long time and is discussed all
over this website, on many other websites, and in numerous books, written by
truth-seekers. Here, it seems like President Putin is totally
unable to handle his desires - even in public.
Then, is he squeezing kittens, too? In his world, it
sounds like that's a normal thing to do, as well as kissing little boys on
their bare stomachs in public. Would you dare to think about what creeps
like Putin are doing behind the scenes???
These people are ruling the world, for heaven's
sake, and we are letting them! Wes Penre,

Putin |
e was very sweet. I'll be honest, I felt an urge to
squeeze him like a kitten and that led to the gesture
that I made. There was nothing behind it really.”
— Vladimir Putin, the Russian president explaining
why he felt compelled to kiss the bare stomach of a
young boy at the Kremlin.

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