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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Confession No. 7: Researcher from Philippines Provides A Look At Satanic Worshipping In Vatican And Castle Of Darkness In Belgium
by Greg Szymanski, June 04, 2006

Last Updated: Thursday, June 15, 2006 04:12:34 PM


According to Bobby G. Limeta, who has researched the Jesuits for 16 years, they seem to "have their dirty hands in everything."

Greg Szymanski
Greg Szymanski


Brushy Creek Sunday Confession reader said the chain of command in America reads as follows


Bonesman George W. Bush taking orders from his immediate master CFR Dick Cheney, whose master is Bonesman George H. W. Bush, whose master is Edward Cardinal Egan, whose master is Pope Benedict XVI, whose master is Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach---whose master is the Devil.


So this takes us without hesitation right to our subject of discussion in this week's Sunday Confession No. 7 -- satanic worshipping in the "House that Lucifer Built," being the controlled House of the Jesuit Order, the Vatican.


A subject many people shun or are frightened to tackle, the veil of suppression is lifted this week since, according to a growing number of researchers, the Jesuit Order is at the helm of the New World Order, attempting as we speak to destroy America's sovereignty and very existence.


As written in the Arctic Beacon based on eye-witness testimony from and Italian victim, the underground tombs and catacombs of the Vatican provide a perfect cover for evil. Here is what one eye witness described:


Satanic mass
Satanic mass



While Mass is being said in the Sistine Chapel and tourists are being shown the works of Michelangelo, deep within the bowels of the Vatican sits a large, circular room with 13 separate chambers, each leading to a distinct catacomb.


When a mummified body is placed in front of each doorway, a young child is then brutally sacrificed with a long, golden knife during what is said to be a secret induction ceremony for new members of the Illuminati, better known as the New World Order.


Most people can't imagine such a scene and immediately attack the credibility of the eye-witness and the messenger. In this case, the eye-witness who described the above scene in the bowels of the Vatican can no longer be attacked since she jumped or was pushed to death, falling to cobblestones on St. Peter's Square in the early morning hours in the 1980's.


"Castle of Darkness" in Belgium aka "Mother of Darkness Castle"


But her memories and story lives on despite her untimely death as this week researcher and historian Bobby G. Limeta, a freedom fighter from the Philippines, provides two attached PDF files concerning the Jesuit Order and satanic rituals in the Vatican, as well as rituals in the Castle of Darkness in Muno, Belgium.


"I humbly wish to attached herewith Acrobat PDF File (security locked-code protected) concerning the Jesuit Order satanic rituals inside the Vatican,"

said Limeta, adding that the evil hand of the Jesuits are also destroying his country, the Philippines. "You'll be surprised that Roman Catholic hierarchy are practicing satanic rituals inside the Vatican, the late Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XIV (former Cardinal Ratzinger) knew that these satanism is happening inside the Vatican.


Fr Malachi Martin
Fr Malachi Martin


"It was revealed by the late Jesuit priest Fr. Malachi Martin. Fr. Martin did not recant anything he wrote in his authored book. I also humbly wish to attached herewith Acrobat PDF File (security locked-code protected) concerning the Jesuit Order's Satanic Rituals inside the Castle of Darkness in Muno, Belgium.


"You'll also surprise that the European Union (EU) members are members of the Illuminati. The Illuminati is a secret society founded by a Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati is controlled by the Jesuits and the Jesuits are believed to be Illuminati.


"You'll also be surprised that EU is suppressing any information pertaining to Marc Dutroux being associated with the satanic-cult rituals. But the Al-Jazeera News in the Middle East did mention satanism.


Here are the two PDF files provided by Limeta on a taboo subject that is typically suppressed:


JESUIT ORDER - Satanic Ritual Inside Vatican.pdf
115K View as HTML Download


JESUIT ORDER - Satanic Ritual Inside Castle Of Darkness.pdf
268K View as HTML Download


In an effort to connect the dots in America, Limeta provides the following eye-witness testimony of what is going on behind the scenes in the Philippines, as he presently is seeking entrance into New Zealand for protection against the Jesuits:


"I'm permanently residing in the Philippines and we are thousands of miles away from each other. All I can do, is to provide you authenticated news and up-dates concerning Jesuit operations in the Philippines. God knows as my faithful witness that our country is a Jesuit Republic of the Philippines like Jesuit Republic of South America "Reductions of Paraguay" like that.


"Our government officials and politicians nor military, police, political analysts, elite and rich families and businessmen will quarrel everyday due to political crisis and social agitations and rebellions without seeing the true culprits behind or even the shadows or footprint of the Jesuits.


"Simply, they don't know the real story of the Jesuits. Since 1990 when I become a true Christian, I read the Bible and began seriously looking for the real trouble makers around the world. I started to read world history, buying countless reference books and articles as part of my investment to nourish my spiritual being and mind.


"You'll be surprised my habit every Saturday and Sunday wasa continuous 20-hours of reading, analyzing and re-reading for understanding and not for pleasure. For a period of 16-years, I poured my attention, dedication, focus and entire financial resources just to find out the truth. I was stunned and it almost toppled me out of my chair when I finally saw the faces of the Jesuits as being the real problem.


"Throughout 16 years of research, I found whenever events and tragedies occurred, the Jesuits were always there. Soon, I may migrate and live permanently in so called God's territory of New Zealand.


"The New Zealand government already shown their great interest to accept me and live in their country when I was interviewed last year. In fact, the New Zealand immigration personnel told me to leave my country. There, however, I will attack the Jesuits blow by blow."


Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com

Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio http://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.

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Source: http://arcticbeacon.com/4-June-2006.html
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Thursday, June 15, 2006 04:12:34 PM

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