version 1.0
article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda.
It merely skims the surface and should therefore supplement your own
research, not replace it. If you want a thorough grasp of what's going
on, I recommend analyzing with discernment the following books (email me
if you have trouble obtaining them):
Gods of Eden - William Bramley
The Threat - Dr David Jacobs
The Love Bite - Eve Lorgen
Into the Fringe - Dr Karla Turner
God's Gladiators - Stuart Wilde
Tales from the Timeloop - David Icke
UFOs and the National Security State - Richard Dolan
The Allies of Humanity - Marshall Summers
Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak
The Ra Material, Books I,II,III - Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert
Cassiopaean Transcripts - Cassiopaeans, LKJ
Each of these contain valuable pieces to the
puzzle. Use your heart to tell you what is right, and use intellect to
tell you what is false. The same goes for what you read in this article.
Keep what makes sense, and throw out what is blatantly false.
"Something's right til proven
wrong or something better comes along."
Are we alone in the universe?
Of course not. We're not even alone on earth. Even
assuming that a finite 3D universe is all there is, calculations show a
high probability that intelligent life exists elsewhere in this galaxy
and that earth has seen the presence of extraterrestrials. Anyone with
common sense acknowledges this possibility, anyone with an open mind
will research the subject, and anyone with open eyes will confirm for
themselves that aliens exist, have been active in our past, and continue
to be actively involved in human affairs today.
Skeptics tend to be ignorant and refuse to examine
all the evidence, closing their eyes and claiming they don't see any
evidence that aliens exist. In truth, ignorance is never proof to the
contrary. To put it another way, "Just because your head's up your ass
doesn't mean the sun don't shine."
Evidence is everywhere - from worldwide religious
and mythological accounts commonly describing ancient encounters with
advanced beings, anomalous archaeological sites and artifacts indicating
past use of superior technology, over a century's worth of eyewitness
sightings of UFOs, hundreds of physical trace samples recovered from UFO
landing sits, government documents and whistleblowers acknowledging the
existence of extraterrestrials, and thousands of abduction cases that
include multiple witnesses, memories recalled without hypnosis, and
undisputable physical and medical evidence confirming these accounts.
In a nutshell, what is the alien agenda?
Mankind is being enslaved by non-human forces who
are technologically, psychically, and dimensionally superior to us. They
consist of multiple factions, spanning multiple dimensions and locations
in spacetime, all here to take a slice of the human pie. Their ultimate
goal is to assimilate us into their fascist empire and parasitically
exploit us for our biological, etheric, and physical resources. Through
covert manipulation and hyperdimensional tricks that utilize time
travel, they have secretly manipulated and exploited humanity in every
way conceivable for tens of thousands of years. We are now seeing their
plans overtly manifest with the abduction and hybrid breeding program,
and their imminent portrayal as saviors to a human race gone mad with
world conflict. If the world accepts them as saviors, individual freedom
as we know it will become snuffed like a blown candle, leaving only
Given their technological superiority, why
don't hostile alien forces just take over the planet?
For strategic reasons, their invasion is a drawn
out process rather than a single spectacular blitzkrieg as one might
expect, though the latter can be used to finalize the invasion once the
first phase has spiritually tranquilized the target population. There
are many problems with an overt invasion using physical force. History
has shown that visible tyrants are also visible targets who quickly fall
if they reveal themselves before total control has been established.
Smarter tyrants stay hidden and cleverly manipulate the population into
first defeating and enslaving itself.
Cosmic tyrants exist who seek to assimilate entire
worlds into their empire. The premature invasion of those who have
us could lead to conflicts threatening the two resources they have come
here to exploit: earth and its inhabitants. They prefer that we
willingly hand over ourselves and the planet with the least amount of
resistance. This can only happen under the condition that we are unaware
of their true nature or agenda. Preparing such deception requires much
groundwork. Thus, they have chosen to covertly and patiently manipulate
human society toward that end.
Their preferred method of subversion is to create
elite among the population who do the dirty work of enslaving the rest.
What we know as the "secret government" is an occult technocracy
comprised of these elite humans. The secret government is using
problem-reaction-solution techniques to frame world conflicts as
pretexts for the establishment of a "New World Order," an overt global
totalitarian regime that will lockdown any potential for resistance and
secure earth for easy assimilation into the alien empire.
Why have they not finished their invasion
sooner, back when our technology was too primitive to damage their
desired resources?
As mentioned, they prefer we willingly acquiesce
our collective freewill. Only recently have we become technologically
and politically advanced enough to create and support the infrastructure
of the New World Order through which we are intended to enslave
ourselves. They make their victims dig their own graves.
On a side note, this policy of brutal efficiency
was demonstrated by the Nazis in their execution of captives. The rise
and fall of Nazi Germany was orchestrated by the secret government as a
test run for what is now becoming manifest, and much of Nazi ideology
and methodology was a direct reflection of the hostile alien mindset.
Ironically, the secret government itself is just a
global version of the "sonderkommando," the elite squads of Jews the
Nazis selected from among the concentration camp population to control
and execute their own people. Despite promises of power and survival,
the sonderkommando were quickly discarded once they finished serving
their purpose, and the secret government faces a similar fate once the
alien invasion is complete.
Don't members of the secret government know
they're being deceived?
In a negative hierarchy, all subordinates are in
some way duped by their superiors, as that is how superiority is
maintained. It is the wishful nature of such individuals to think they
share the top of the food chain. Other members are forced to uphold
their allegiance due to blackmail, oath, or mind programming. While
these factors keep the hierarchy together, they also serves as its
undoing when the control system encounters unpredictable obstacles and
becomes unstable. Pressured members will betray their superiors when
given the chance, and ambitious members may take the opportunity to
initiate a frenzied power grab that breaks loyalties and dissolves
cohesion, thus weakening its structure to the point of implosion. This
is more typical of human hierarchies than alien ones, as the latter are
too refined to create such bumbling errors.
Is this why the secret government will
eventually be discarded?
Yes. As long as the control system remains stable,
the secret government maintains its cohesion and allegiance to the alien
forces. Due to upcoming earth changes and other factors, the times ahead
introduce elements of unpredictability that threaten to destabilize the
control system; the hierarchy thrives on predictability because it is a
pre-requisite for control.
Because of human folly, alien forces see the
secret government as unreliable during such times and unnecessary in the
period that follows. They will be among the first to be eliminated,
because they would otherwise be the first to resist the alien presence
by using what technology they have been given, in an effort to
perpetuate their own survival and maintain their power. The final phase
of the alien agenda has no room for human elite, and any promises given
them now about survival in a post-cataclysmic future are lies used to
bargain their allegiance.

While the exploitation of human nature has
afforded our alien manipulators easy success in what they have
accomplished so far, human nature ultimately threatens to undermine the
finalizations of their plan which requires total allegiance on our part
to their empire. As long as we have an innate ability to empathize and
tap into spiritual wisdom and as long as we can long for individuality
and freedom, our loyalty and their security cannot be permanently
guaranteed or enforced.
How do alien forces plan to counter the problem
of "human nature"?
Einstein once said that a problem's solution
cannot come from the same level where the problem originated. If human
nature is the problem, then only a non-human element can be the
solution. At present, the problem resides in the inevitable failure of
both the secret government and future humans to maintain unconditional
obedience to their alien masters due to fundamental genetic and
metaphysical differences and the fact that we are individualistic and
opportunistic by nature.
Once the New World Order is initiated, their
solution is to place humanity under the leadership of a genetically
engineered "master race" of alien-human hybrids. These hybrids surpass
us in intellectual and psychic abilities, and they do not "suffer" from
the "weaknesses" of human nature such as empathy and the longing for
individual freedom. While maintaining control, they will then interbreed
with the human population to infuse these genetic characteristics into
humanity at large. Thus, in the end mankind will be biologically
predisposed toward subservience to the alien empire, alleviating the
empire of having to expend unnecessary resources enforcing their
control. At that point, we will be locked into bondage and the alien
agenda will have reached its conclusion.
We are seeing evidence of this already. For
example, we are being culturally pre-conditioned to eventually accept
the policy of interbreeding between humans and hybrids. Standards of
physical beauty embodied in supermodels and actresses increasingly move
toward emphasis upon features typical of hybrids: low forehead, small
chin, triangular face, large eyes, and slim androgynous bodies. It
wasn't too long ago that the "hybrid" look would have been considered
disturbing and unhealthy, but today the trend has been toward the
sexualization of these characteristics.
How will this hybrid race be created?
Alien abductions serve multiple purposes, and this
is one of them. Presently, the hybrid breeding program is virtually
finished. Hybrids look human, but lack our aforementioned qualities that
make us liable to resist an overt alien presence. Some are already being
silently integrated into the population. A few are being unwittingly
born into human families, others will be introduced in mass numbers
later this decade when they reach child-bearing age.
Some hybrids among us are already being passed off
as "Indigo Children," though not all Indigo Children are hybrids. The
hybrids most successfully following their intended programming act like
little psychopaths, have contempt for humans, and possess acute
intellectual and psychic powers to support their ambitions. It is these
qualities that make them fit for eventually ruling over humanity in
obedience to their alien superiors.
What is the actual process used in the creation
of hybrids?
The actual process involved is complicated, but
here is a simple description. Both genetic and metaphysical factors must
be taken into account, as it is the latter that accounts for the hybrid
breeding program taking more time than one might expect.
Our DNA is the interface mechanism between the
nonphysical soul and physical body. For this interface to hold both
together, genetics must match soul profile. A slight mismatch in one
will cause a mutation in the other, but too much of a mismatch keeps the
the soul from seating in the body. So to genetically modify or create an
entire race, it is not enough to merely engineer the genetic code, but
to synchronize its profile and growth with that of the souls intended to
occupy the bodies.
This is why people with specific bloodlines
especially resonant with the aliens' own soul nature are heavily
targeted for abduction. Resonance exists because at some point in the
ancient past, individuals within that bloodline may have consciously
aligned with a negative spiritual existence and thus imprinted their
genetic code with this alignment. Their descendants carry this imprint,
which is considered valuable as stock material for engineering the
hybrid race. The physical nature of these genetics matches in critical
areas with the intended metaphysical characteristics of the hybrids.
This stock material is crossed with selected alien
genetics and tweaked to create a wide variety of hybrids, some more
successful than others. Until a self-sustaining and self-reproducing
hybrid race could develop, these fetuses were often implanted into an
abductee's womb for gestation. The human etheric body is rich in
emotional and vital energies, which helps the gestating fetus develop
robustly. Those that lack this etheric nourishment either fail to
develop or become sickly hybrid children once born.
Successful hybrids are those who can indefinitely
survive in a densely physical environment such as our own, who are
capable of successfully reproducing with humans and amongst themselves,
who look human enough to integrate easily, and who are void of any
undesirable human traits.
What is the soul nature of these hybrids?
Even with their human physiology, considering that
the hybrid genetic profile is extremely resonant with the soul nature of
their creators, it is very likely the latter intend to incarnate into
these bodies themselves. Some hybrids may be born with alien souls,
others may function as empty containers that work their way into
strategic social positions and standby to receive the alien soul at a
later time. It is also possible that hybrids have their own unique soul
matrix, though the end result would be the same.
Occupying hybrid bodies would afford our alien
manipulators the strengths of both alien and human races with none of
either's weaknesses. Human weakness is the longing for individual
freedom and ability to empathize, and alien weakness is the inability to
stay in our physical environment for prolonged periods of time. The
hybrids are biologically robust like us because they have virtually
human bodies, but they will be be mentally superior and loyal to the
aliens if they have souls identical to them. Additionally, since
offspring are imprinted with the soul energies of both parents, it would
quicken the metaphysical modification of mankind for the hybrid parent
to have a negatively oriented alien soul.
Why can't aliens stay in our physical
environment for prolonged periods of time?
They require psychic or etheric energy to project
themselves into our three dimensional environment. In their natural
state, they are four-dimensional (4D) beings who exist in a more etheric
level of reality, but can choose to become physical with an expenditure
of energy. Our three-dimensional world is embedded in a four-dimensional
universe, meaning 4D beings must focus their essence into a narrow range
to become temporarily 3D. Otherwise they appear invisible to us, a
situation that can be compared to an aquarium in a room - we are fish
who are aware of other fish, but we remain relatively unaware of those
outside the aquarium who observe us.
This is true mainly for alien types known as
"reptilians" or "lizards." To save energy, they prefer staying in their
native 4D environment, while using various interface mechanisms to
remotely interact with 3D. For example, they have constructed a
cybernetic race of beings we recognize as "grays," which serve as 3D
"spacesuits" for them. Grays are genetically engineered robots
technologically interfaced with the reptilian soul. They are cybernetic
probes into our reality that can stay for relatively longer periods of
time and are used to carry out abductions and other tasks.
This lack of physicality affords them many
advantages and disadvantages. As an advantage, etheric technology is
four dimensional and beyond the strictures of our linear time, so
reptilians can see and operate within our possible past, present, and
future realities simultaneously. Combined with their calculative
strategy, they are thus capable of engineering very complicated and
far-ranging manipulations of a hyperdimensional nature.
These hyperdimensional manipulations can include
changing the past in seemingly trivial ways to affect the choices a
targeted individual makes in the present. Reptilians don't know which
choice we will make, and they cannot change the choices we have already
made out of freewill, but they can see and change everything else. So
while they cannot easily violate the freewill of a spiritually resilient
person, they can bias his choices by tweaking the circumstances.
Since they exist beyond our space and time, they
are free of linear time limits. This means they can individually target
and manipulate as many people as they need to. While an abductee
perceives several years passing between two abductions, aliens move
instantly from one to the next. So despite the grandiose nature of the
alien agenda that targets entire planets and civilizations, they also
manipulate on an individual basis all whom they perceive as threats.
As a disadvantage, their lack of physicality
prevents them from more easily violating freewill through the use of
force. Physicality is an environment where causality is prime, where one
being can cause an unwanted effect in another because both are subject
to the laws of physics. This is less true in a 4D environment where
physicality is variable, and where actions work on a synchronistic
rather than causal level. Attempting to violate someone's freewill using
synchronistic actions results in running into more metaphysical
roadblocks than doing it directly with force. For that reason,
reptilians desire a more physical state, to expand the range of what
they can do. The hybrid breeding program is directed toward that end.
What about military abductions?
The secret government's military factions
regularly abduct people for a wide variety of uses, often working under
factions and using their technology. These uses are too numerous
and complex to mention in detail, but include mind control programs,
genetics research projects, and the use of psychically sensitive people
for remote viewing and assassination purposes. Due to their hyperdimensional technology, these military factions can covertly abduct
people during sleep by beaming them out of their local spacetime through
portals and into military bases.
Military abductees are frequently tortured via
electroshock to create split personalities and install self-destruct,
sleeper assassin, or sexual slave mind programming. For example, some
mind control projects have created thousands of sleeper agents who can
be posthypnotically triggered at a future date to commit mass violence,
which would serve as a pretext for the totalitarian clampdown on our
freedoms. Military abductees are also frequently raped by reptilian
aliens who feed upon their fear and suffering. Others lead double lives
where one personality participates in covert military missions that
would seem like science fiction to the other personality.
Hyperdimensional technology makes this time sharing possible.
How can one stop being abducted by aliens?
This subject will be thoroughly addressed in
another article. But in general, abductions can be stopped by doing the
1) giving up all karmic and ego-based reasons for wanting them to
2) choosing to resist abductions by firmly and frequently intending that
they stop
3) choosing emotional stability, positivity, and serenity over hysteria
and obsessive fear
4) becoming consciously aware of abductions before, during, or after
they happen
5) learning from evidence gained after every abduction how to counter
their tactics
6) increasing one's spiritual resiliency by seeking and applying
knowledge and wisdom
7) asking for divine protection and assistance
These methods help deter both soul and physical
abductions. In a soul abduction, the body is left asleep but the soul is
taken and "worked upon" and then put back. For purely physical
abductions, one could also try detection, shielding, or scrambling
methods to annoy aliens and display one's resistance. Examples include
voice-activated tape recorders, metal shielding, ultraviolet lights,
white noise fields, etc...
Can anything be done to stop the alien agenda?
The alien agenda depends heavily upon us
relinquishing our collective freewill. If the aliens deceptively appear
as saviors, and hybrids as a positive step in human evolution, then
people will gladly support them. Their enthusiastic support for the
alien "saviors" may be great enough to drive them toward suppressing any
resistance movements, seeing them as enemies to the betterment of
However, if enough people can be informed ahead of
time about the alien agenda, then the deception will not be as
successful. It may even spark debate and open the floodgates of
information that expose them for what they are. When more people are
informed, collective freewill won't be given up so foolishly.
What are they doing to counter the possibility
of people waking up and resisting?
Before the information age, knowledge was easily
suppressed. Today, it is more easily corrupted with disinformation. The
alien and secret government factions now work to suppress or corrupt
truth wherever they find it. They seek and destroy those attempting to
reveal truth, weaken others' ability to discern truth for themselves,
and program the rest to immediately ridicule or ignore truth when they
hear it.
Individuals perceived as threats to the alien
agenda receive custom attention. They are abducted and implanted for
monitoring purposes. After being observed for weaknesses, they are
repeatedly abducted and mind programmed with posthypnotic suggestions to
indulge in self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behavior. If they
resist these, they are socially ridiculed or publicly discredited. Those
with less spiritual resilience receive increasingly violent harassment.
Why don't negative forces just kill them?
Due to metaphysical reasons, not all who are
targeted can simply be killed; they must freely choose to destroy
themselves. However, their spiritual resilience declines if they do not
resist self-destruct programming, which then makes them susceptible to
more drastic targeting measures. Of those who succumb, some are given
diseases like cancer that quietly eliminates them, some are permanently
abducted and consumed, and others die in freak accidents.
It is also possible, and very effective, for
susceptible individuals to be inconspicuously killed, reanimated, and
replaced as disinformation agents. They then serve to undo all damage
done prior to being replaced. This happens frequently to vulnerable
authors, researchers, politicians, and scientists.
While the switchover passes without notice, one
can usually observe a drastic and disturbing shift in their research
focus and methods. Others who fail to discern truth for themselves and
instead rely upon supposed credible sources to tell them what to think
do not notice this shift and go along with it. As can be seen, there is
no substitute for personal discernment and the spiritual resiliency that
comes with integrity and knowledge.
Besides influential people being mind
programmed or replaced as disinformation agents, how else are negative
forces suppressing the spread of knowledge?
Willpower, knowledge, spiritual resiliency, mental
clarity, and emotional purity are qualities that reduce one's level of
susceptibility to being influenced by negative forces. There are
billions of humans for whom these qualities are not a priority due to
the simplicity of their reason for incarnating. This makes them very
easily manipulated by alien forces and the secret government to serve as
buffers against the system-destabilizing effect of "insurgent"
Their function in the alien agenda is to serve as
"hired clappers" in the crowd by using peer pressure, ridicule, and mass
consensus to override the influence of the minority who seek truth. They
are also easily directed toward surrounding truth-seekers and engaging
them in energy draining relationships or friendships that do nothing but
sedate, distract, or sabotage.
Additionally, there exist artificial humans who
are manufactured by alien forces to serve as disinformation agents
capable of corrupting the knowledge of a truth-seeker via direct
interaction. These are virtually identical in function to
reanimated/replaced humans, except they lack a concrete traceable past.
Because they are remotely controlled, they can precisely deliver
disinformation customized to fit a truth-seekers profile, something the
aforementioned "hired clappers" cannot do.
As can be seen, negative alien forces have in
place a very effective system for the direct suppression and corruption
of knowledge. To summarize, this system includes the following:
1) the abduction and self-destruct mind
programming of truth-seekers to end their quest
2) peer pressure placed upon them by so-called hired clappers
3) direct targeting by artificial humans
4) the disinformation disseminated by programmed or replaced sources of
This supplements the various religious, political,
economic, and scientific control mechanisms already established by the
secret government to control society at large.
If we do wake up as a planet, will desperate
alien factions risk using force?
They have invested much energy toward securing
earth and its population for their exploitation, so they will not give
up easily. As discussed before, force is usually kept to a minimum while
strategy is optimized to ensure efficient use of energy and the
preservation of their desired resources. But sometimes force is the only
strategy left. As always, they would use it by getting others to do the
work for them.
Due to their aversion to the physicality of our
environment, they employ physical and expendable beings as their
enforcers. This could include human soldiers, the hybrid elite, and any
additional reinforcements they may bring in from outside our solar
system. The latter tend to include soldiers recruited from other worlds
they have already conquered. Nevertheless, direct confrontation with 4D
forces is inevitable if we were to transcend our 3D states and enter
their realm.
Acting alone in our present physical condition,
even with a world united under a single technologically advanced
government, we would be unable to successfully repel such an overt
takeover. In the best of such cases, we would be like monkeys fighting
armed poachers. Such conditions are unlikely anyway since the secret
government or hybrid elite will ensure that the world does not act
unilaterally against the alien forces and instead works to suppress
resistance movements.
Given the scope of their knowledge suppression
mechanism -- and if that fails, the overwhelming nature of their overt
invasion -- is there any hope?
Yes, there is hope in the sense that divine plans
are in place to balance the equation and give us a fighting chance of
transcending alien manipulation and escaping our fragile physical
conditions. The help we receive from higher sources is of a catalytic
nature, meaning it merely assists our own efforts.
From one perspective, 3D earth is little more than
a prison planet run by tyrannical forces about to implement their "final
solution." We cannot fight as prisoners because we are too weak. To
avoid enslavement and liquidation, we must become empowered by first
escaping this prison - thankfully with the help of those who have
escaped before us. This means accepting divine help, transcending our
limited physical states, and evolving into 4D beings ourselves. Only
then will we be on a level playing field with our alien manipulators.
From a more metaphysical perspective, 3D earth is
a school of hard knocks. The quantum leap in evolution we require to
withstand the overt alien takeover is not impossible, it is inevitable -
every life lesson we learn brings us closer to graduating from our three
dimensional physical existence. This process is natural and need not be
forced; for those of us who have chosen the path of integrity and truth,
our individual destinies are intertwined with the divine plan, and we
have been synchronistically guided since birth to have the right
experiences needed to prepare us for what is to come.
Among us are numerous advanced souls from higher
realms who have incarnated into our world to help destabilize the alien
control system and catalyze the evolution of those ready to graduate for
the first time. Many don't remember who they are or where they came
from, and from early childhood most are heavily targeted by negative
forces for self-destruction due to their threatening roles as system
destabilizers. Those who overcome these obstacles grow strong enough to
contribute toward the divine plan by spreading knowledge and assisting
the evolution of others. They are former prisoners who have come back to
show others how to leave the prison. Take note that no one is chosen or
special - anyone can take part in the divine plan who chooses to follow
his or her heart and seek knowledge.
Knowledge is the key, for it helps us see through
deception and fuels our evolution. Because of knowledge, the alien
agenda will be exposed. Because of knowledge, we will evolve new
insights and metaphysical abilities that can prepare us to better
counter an overt alien takeover. Divine forces are at work to help us
learn - if we actively seek knowledge, the way will be shown. If we
actively apply knowledge, the path will be cleared. And if we actively
share knowledge, the path will be followed by others.

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